The Christmas season is upon us and we are all trying to finish as much as possible before the holidays begin!
At KAV London it’s been a very busy month with some travelling, partying and charity work!
Besides the charity event we sponsored last month, this month we will be donating a sum to Macmillan charity for every Christmas card we are sending out. Please join in at
Here is what is coming up and what we’ve been up to:
We would like to take this opportunity to announce our new year’s CPD dates!
The next two dates are:
Friday 30th January 2015 at 13.00am
Friday 27th February 2015 at 13.00am
Please email us to to confirm your attendance.
The CPD will be held in our office at The Gasworks, 2 Michael Road, SW6.
Meeting with Pininfarina Extra
Malcolm Stewart has visited Rome for a meeting with Pininfarina Extra regarding a luxurious villa in USA.
Pininfarina has a very extensive and impressive design portfolio, ranging from luxury cars to ultra luxurious interior and architectural design by Peninfarina Extra.
Visiting the KAV Doha Office
Team KAV has been to Doha to meet with clients and continue growing the Qatar business.
In Doha we are able to provide our clients with Audio Visual Systems, Home Automation, Consultancy on AV and Security. Please contact us to learn more.
Meet the Chef!
KAV has done it again, we kept our winning streak!
November’s Cook-Off! Marcus Barnett vs KAV London has been another very successful event. As always we had amazing guests, great conversation and plenty of food and wine!
After every one of our cooking events we cannot wait for the next one to come, the next one is in January!
We were struggling to choose just one quote from our thank you emails, but here we go;
was such a fun evening last night, thank you so much for hosting and inviting me – I had a blast! So refreshing to do something so different and what a great group of people also. Very well organised and a pleasure meeting you.”
Finura Partners Blind Wine Tasting 
Malcolm Stewart enjoyed a fantastic event with Rupert Collingwood of The London Management Company; they spent an evening blind tasting different wines.
They won the competition with a score of 10/10 and received tickets to England vs South Africa at Twickenham.
The London Management Company provides property and related lifestyle services to both private and corporate clients. From finding the perfect home, investment or office through to managing a pied a terre, rental property or building they offer the services and advice required to extract the maximum value out of our clients property investment. “In my experience, the people who buy homes in prime central london aren’t looking to compromise. They work hard to afford a high quality of life. The London Management Company is there to enhance that lifestyle” – Rupert Collingwood
SBID House of Lords event
KAV London had the pleasure of attending the SBID afternoon tea event at t
he House of Lords and meeting Lord Taylor of Blackburn. It was a great pleasure to visit the House of Lords and get the opportunity to admire the architecture.
HIGH Store Charity Event
KAV London has partnered up with the amazing fashion brand HIGH by supporting the Gracious Heart charity foundation!
KAV London has offered items for the auction that was held during the evening with all profits from the auctioned items going to Gracious Heart.
Industry Update
Every month we will include a short update of the new great thing coming to the market; this months pick is Apple’s Home Kit
Apple has made it’s mark in pockets and on desks across the globe, but the company that many consider to be the world’s most valuable brand now has it’s sights set on the home. The highly anticipated HomeKit may have slipped to a 2015 release date, but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t already influencing the home automation market.
All devices made for HomeKit will connect with one another, leading to a more unified and convenient experience for users. Not only that, but they will also connect to your existing Apple products, which might be all it takes for HomeKit to become an industry standard.
Control4 Dealership
Due to a high demand in Savant Systems and Crestron Systems in the past year we have installed a smaller amount of Control4 systems. This lead to us dropping to Gold Dealer status from Platinum Dealer, we still love the C4 system and will be happy to install it in your house should you wish so!
Coming up in next months’ issue:
Industry update – 4K TVs vs 8K TVs, there are plans to broadcast the 2020 Olympic games in Japan in 8K. We will bring you the updates and forecasts on these.
KAV’s travels and parties – as usual we will keep you updated on all our business traveling throughout the month. And lets of course all about the parties we got to attend and organise!
Interview with our in-house specialist – What do we think about the coming changes to the viewing quality?
We hope you enjoyed the read!
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